Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Review of 2017

As per subject title...


Systems / Goals


No. 1: Mental and Spiritual Health
Meditate daily
Meditated about 2-3 times a week on average this year. Happy about this.

Practise yoga daily
Practised yoga about 3 times per week for the first 3 quarters of this year. Frequency decreased to about 1-2 times per week in the last quarter due to increased training commitment.

Find meaning in life
Still thinking about this. Finding meaning in life is an ongoing process, I believe.

My thinking now is that life is inherently meaningless, but we can surely add meaning to it. Our time is finite so we should utilise our living moments wisely.

“Life is a daring adventure, or nothing at all!”. I’ve done very “adventurous” activities in my youth and I did not regret doing them. I’ve been less adventourous ever since I started working. I’m determined to not let work get in the way of life.

No. 2: Physical Health
Get enough sleep (at least 7 hours a day)
Averaged about 7 hours of sleep per day. Ideally, it would be 8 hours.

Eat healthily
Really proud of my generally low-carb diet this year! There’s room for improvement with respect to my sweet tooth though.

Be active everyday
Picked up a new sport this year and have been training 3-4 times (1.5-2 hours each session) per week. My speed, strength and reflexes have improved tremendously and I’m feeling fitter and toner than ever!!! This is my top achievement this year!!!

Go for a suitable full-body health screening
Did some basic health tests and also an ECG recently. Based on my family doctor’s advice, I will start going for full-body health screening once every 2 years from age 30 onwards.

No. 3: Relationships
Spend quality time with loved ones
Happy with my relationships with loved ones. Nothing I want to change in this regard J

No. 4: Career
Stay employed for most parts of the year
Employed for 11 months. Took 1 month off in between job-change.

Find a higher-paying job with equally little stress and decent work-life balance
I secured a new job at a new organisation. “Lower” career status but higher pay and closer to home.

Letting go of careerism is not an easy journey… but I’m getting there slowly but surely. Increasingly, I do not desire recognition, promotion or any career bells and whistles. I have determined this year that my job is a job, not a career. I arrive and leave on time, and do my job during office hours. It seems to me that work-life balance is all in the mind and one’s attitude towards work.

No. 5: Finances
Invest at least S$30k in equities by year-end

Increase liquid networth by S$60k by year-end
I increased my liquid networth by S$56k this year, S$4k short of my target.

No. 6: Authenticity
Be more authentic (online and when interacting with others in real life)
I have been more authentic this year and feel really great about this. Reached out to a few like-minded bloggers online (shout-out to ERSG!).

I have also distanced myself from "complainy-pants" friends this year. It really does wonders.  

Other significant milestones and events this year:
- Got engaged to loving partner of many years
- Surpassed the basic retirement sum in my CPF OA and SA