Tuesday, 21 August 2018

My Age 30 Sabbatical Fantasy - Will I do it?

I've been working full time ever since I graduated. It's been close to 5 years and I want a break from the generally uninspiring routine.  I've worked in 4 organisations so far... and am dreaming of quitting soon.. for not another organisation, but a sabbatical this time. 

It is my fantasy to take a sabbatical (most likely voluntary unemployment) from full-time work at age 30 and experience early retirement life for myself. The time off from full time work is ideally at least 6 months to a year. Why age 30? No real reason except that it sounds like a cool life milestone. 

To date, I have about 10x annual living expenses in liquid networth.

What's stopping me though? Generally: 

- fear of murdering my resume (seen as more of a serial job hopper and a corporate flake)

- fear of not being able to land another high-paying and cushy job 

- fear of enjoying early retirement life too much that I'm not able to acclimatized back to corporate life

I suppose the above fears are warranted but they stem from the scarcity mentality and also a fixed mindset, which I'm trying to uninstall from my mental operating system. 

Anyway, there's still some time to go. We shall see...