Priority No. 1: Mental and spiritual
- meditate
- practise
yoga daily
- read up
and practise stoicism
Priority No. 2: Physical health:
- get
enough sleep (at least 7 hours a day)
- eat as
much healthy food as I want
- be active
- go for a suitable
full-body health screening (any recommendations?)
Priority No. 3: Relationships with
loved ones
- prioritise
spending time and energy with loved ones above everything else except Priorities
No. 1 and 2
Priority No. 4: Career
- stay
employed for most parts of the year
- find a
higher-paying job with equally little stress and decent work-life balance
Priority No. 5: Finances
- Save at
least S$50k in cash
- Invest at
least S$30k in equities
- Increase
net worth by S$60k
Priority No. 6: EQ
- Be more authentic (online and when
interacting with others in real life) (something I struggle with due to my many
beliefs and thoughts which may be considered by others to be unconventional or
even wrong; hence I tend to self-censor. Any tips?)